10 Whimsy And Colorful Surreal Oil Paintings By David Gulchut


Surreal Oil Painting By David Gulchut

David Gulchut is popular for his whimsy and colorful paintings. The different seasons in a year are portrayed beautifully through his beautiful whimsical paintings. David Gulchut has been working as an illustrator for the past 30 + years. Born to an artistic family, art came very naturally to him from a young age. His father was a graphic designer and his mother a costume designer. Both streams of design had influenced him a lot during his childhood days. We can clearly see his fashion sense in his colorful paintings. Apart from illustrations he enjoys creating whimsical paintings, with an amazing sense of fashion. David graduated from Art Center College of Design in 1981 and since then he has been working as a professional illustrator. In 2010, he won the Best Children's Magazine Illustration from the Association of Educational Publishers.

Surreal Oil Painting Autumn Couple By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting autumn couple by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Sun Face By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting sun face by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Cold Sun By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting cold sun by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Flower Sun By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting flower sun by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Robot Fight By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting robot fight by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Mermaid By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting mermaid by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Princess Japanese By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting princess japanese by david galchutt Surreal Oil Painting Seaman By David Galchuttsurreal oil painting seaman by david galchutt Oil Painting Owl By David Galchuttoil painting owl by david galchutt Oil Painting Vase Flowers By David Galchuttoil painting vase flowers by david galchutt

Artist Link: Know more about David Gulchut, Facebook


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