A Madurai Boy Sells His Paintings For ₹50,000 and Donates Them to Charity


Rithun Kunal celebrated on December 27, his seventh birthday. His parents on the same day evening organized in their house lawn a surprise gathering. There were friends and acquaintances to see his 50 paintings that Rithun had drawn in the lockdown 8 months period. All the paintings got sold within four hours. Rithun, the child artist, did not understand what was going around.
Rithun’s mother, Preethika Gandhi Kunal, spotted the penchant of her son for vibrant colors at the age of two-and-a-half years. She said his fondness for patterns and shapes showed his skill and passion towards colors as he gave them contrasting shades. She was glad that her son used the lockdown months productively. Rithun had spent nearly 200 hours with colors and canvasses and his parents felt he deserved applause.  They held a sale-cum-exhibition and surprisingly his two paintings received ₹2,000 in the first go.  Preethika, Rithun’s mother, was an ophthalmologist at Aravind Eye Hospital. She randomly priced his painting from ₹250 as per the canvas size and the time he spent completing them. She decided to donate the money as charity to sponsor children from disadvantaged background's education expenses.

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