Watercolor Paintings

Watercolor Paintings by Samantha French
Watercolor Paintings by Samantha French: Samantha French's watercolor paintings is like a whiff of fresh air. Samantha French graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 2005. According to Samantha French's bio,"My curren
Beautiful Watercolor Paintings by Jongkie
Watercolor painting: Jongkie is an illustrator/artist from Kota Wisata Batu in Indonesia. His unique style in watercolor paintings has made him popular on many social media sites especially in instagram. According to his website," His unique style is exemplified as a result of him not merely replicating the reference picture he is using but adding his own imagination and signature style which he has named the ‘magic effect’. Jongkie describes his work as “fantasy world”. This is evident through the...

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