
Portrait Paintings
Portrait painting may sound very easy to master, but it’s one of the toughest techniques to master. You can use several techniques and mediums to start off a career in portrait painting. Artists...
Face Drawings
Face drawing can be a lot trickier than all other subjects. We see the faces daily, so if something goes amiss in our face drawing, we will be able to correct it sooner. During a face drawing it&rsquo...
Funny Drawings by Lucas Levitan
Illustration by Lucas Levitan: Next time if you are posting images on Instagram, just be careful as your photos may be stolen by Lucas Levitan. Lucas Levitan is a Brazilian artist who loves to do illu...
Fabric Sculpture by Benjamin Shine
Fabric sculpture: In a beautiful dance motion, Benjamin Shine has created this tulle fabric sculpture, which is beautiful to watch. From a small white basket, shoots up layers of tulle fabric, which t...
Bird Drawings
Bird drawings are truly inspirational to all professional and amateur artists around the world. We can see a lot of birds with different shapes and sizes, once you pick on your subject, focus on all t...
Watercolor Paintings
Watercolor painting: In this post we have included 50 Beautiful and Stunning watercolor paintings for your inspiration. Watercolor paintings are great to work with, most artists create realistic water...
Color Pencil Drawing by Heather Rooney
Color pencil drawings: Heather Rooney is a perfectionist and detailed american artist who creates these extra ordinary celebrity portraits using color pencils. She has posted many time lapse videos of...
Paintings by Ratur
Paintings by Ratur: Arthur Maslard is popularly known as Ratur. He was born in 1983, in Le Havre, France. Ever since he was a little child he was extremely interested in sketching and designing. He ho...
Hand Drawings
Hand drawing: Remember when we used to create some characters for stories, most of the characters used to have their hands inside the pocket or hidden out of view, that’s because people were sca...
Oil Paintings by Arsen Kurbanov
Oil painting by Arsen Kurbanov: Arsen Kurbanov was born in Mahachkala, Dagestan, which is in Russia. He graduated from Repin Institute in St. Petersburg in 1994. His work is a combination of old maste...
Digital Art by Chris Beatrice
Beautiful Digital Art : Chris Beatrice is an artist who made our childhood wonderful by introducing various characters in magical lands. His work consists of myths, legends, folklore, fairy ...
Dragon Drawings
Dragon drawings: Dragons are mythical creatures which have found a prominent place in many stories and movies. The Chinese people celebrate their new year with their dragon shows, which is supposed to...
Funny Drawings by Oleg Gert
Drawings: Oleg Gert is an illustrator from Russia. He has a keen interest in the modern society and its lifestyle trends and as a talented man with almost endless imagination this is reflected in...
Metal Sculptures by Park Chan Girl
Metal Sculptures : Park Chan-girl is a Korean sculptor who is talented and well known for hos metal sculptures. He completed his BFA in Chungnam National University and MFA in Kyunghee University and ...
Oil Paintings by An He
Oil Paintings from An He : An He was born in 1957 in Guangzhou, China.  He was born into an artistic family. He was drawn to the arts at a young age, and was under the tutledge of his father...
Portrait Drawings
Portrait drawing of self or other subjects is a tough task to master, but once you master the basic details, it’s quite thrilling to work on. First you need to draw the basic shape of the head w...