
Nature Paintings by Judy Garfin
Nature Paintings: Judy Garfin was born in Canada but now lives in Montreal where she has her own studio. She is also an associate professor at The department of Fine Arts at Concordia University for b...
Paintings by Keng Lye
Layer Paintings: Keng Lye is a Singapore based artist who specializes in Resin Layer Painting. All that you see below are layer paintings which use nothing but acrylic paint layered with cle...
Digital Art by James White
Digital Art: James White was born in 1977 and calls Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada his home. His parents were never able to keep typewriter paper in the house as James would steal it for drawings...
Bronze Sculptures
Bronze sculptures: In the early century, Greeks and Romans popularized bronze sculptures as they were the masters in sculpting them. They had huge bronze sculptures of their gods, goddesses, kings etc...
Wall Art
Wall art / wall Stickers adds more drama to your house interiors. Even a boring and simple wall can be transformed with amazing designs with help of wall art. Once you pick a wall art, make sure the r...
Sand Sculptures
Sand Sculptures: I am sure many of us as children would have created hundreds of sculptures of castles on our many visits to the beach. With some plastic buckets and small spades, any kid can create f...
Girl Paintings by Jeremiah Ketner
In this post we have included some of the amazing fantasy Girl Paintings by Jeremiah Ketner. He graduated from Columbus College of art and design for his BFA and Southern Illinios University for his M...
Wall Mural Paintings
Mural Painting is done on larger canvas like the walls or ceilings. Mural painting was quite popular in ancient times as even now many churches and temples, have mural paintings on their ceilings, whi...
Steel Wire Sculptures by Byeong Doo Moon
Steel Wire Sculpture: Korean artist Byeong Doon Moon creates sculptures of animals using stainless steel wires.  The peacock sculpture by the artist is titled 'Our memory in you place...
Digital Art by Oscar Ramos
Digital Art : Artist Oscar Ramos was born in 1973 at Barcelona. He completed his Ph. D in art History and travelled around the world in search of his passion. During one of his travels, his frien...
Oil Painting by Mark Lang
Oil Painting: Mark is a realistic contemporary artist from Montreal. He has conducted numerous exhibitions from 1995 and he is famous for his two dimensional approach to painting. His artwork mai...
Scrap Sculptures by Igor Verniy
Scrap Sculptures : We would have heard our moms and dads saying not to waste anything, well this kid took it seriously, when it came to his work. Igor verniy is quite popular for his steampunk sc...
Vegetable Carving
Vegetable carving origin is disputed , some attribute it to Japan and others to Thailand . In Japan its called " Mukimono" . Acording to the book " Japanese garnishes , the Ancient...
Tattoos For Men
Tattoos for men: Who doesn’t love fancy tattoos up their sleeve? In this post we have added 20 Beautiful and Creative Tattoos for men for your inspiration. Tattoos for men come in all shapeand s...
Landscape Paintings by Tomas Sanchez
Landscape Paintings : The artist quotes “I have always had two fundamental interests in life; art and meditation, both of then intimately related” His passion for these interests manifest ...
Contemporary Paintings by Richard Baxter
Contemporary Paintings : Hailing from central Victoria, Richard Baxter is an Australian artist known for creating visually and spiritually rich paintings. His work spans for more than 30 years. He is ...