Painting Techniques meet Sculptures by Madrid artist Mercedes Vincente


The artist Mercedes Vicente took her painting technique and sculpts it improvised shapes with spiral twisted ribbons of fabric that look like whims of Nature.
Mercedes’ recent work has focused on investigating the possibilities of constantly developing spiral forms. This piece was inspired by shapes from nature, notably the structure of seashells, with particular attention being paid to the interior of the shell. Mercedes prepares the fabric then cuts it into bands which she then glues together, layering and rolling them into a logarithmic spiral.
"You never know what's going to come out—it is difficult to control, by turning the shape it takes on a life of its own. Working in spirals, any slight change in the degree of angle composes a new figure; even the temperature of the day modifies the result. I am unable to repeat work. These look like watercolours, and any defect or mistake and you have to start over," she says.