Oil Paintings - Top Artists who are experts in Oil Paintings

contemporary paintings by richard baxter

Contemporary Paintings : Hailing from central Victoria, Richard Baxter is an Australian artist known for creating visually and spiritually rich paintings. His work spans for more than 30 years. He is also a highly accomplished photographer. The entire world over, he holds many exhibitions for his contemporary art. Here we have compiled some of his...

Top Australia ArtistsIn Oil Paintings
 beautiful paintings by leah tinari

 American Paintings by Leah Tinari : Leah Tinari is an artist based in New York, NY. Since graduating from RISD in 1999 Tinari has documented her life and friends through photos and paintings that capture the energy and exuberance of her surroundings. Her signature use of rich bright color and dynamic composition continues to captivate...

In Oil PaintingsTop United States of America Artists